Now, more than ever, we must ensure that we remain in touch with our feelings and communicate these readily. For some, the lockdown will be a wonderful chance to spend more time hanging out with the family, playing video-games or video calling friends. For others, the change and break in routine compiled with the added worry presented by the the Coronavirus will present a challenge like nothing before. With this in mind, here are some links that we have found to help support children, families and teaching staff across this period and beyond.
Kalmer Counselling, who currently spend two days a week in our school, have provided a bank of resources that can be found here. The resource pack is designed to support children whilst the schools are shut.
Headspace mainly runs on an app through a tablet or phone, but can also be used through a computer. The main aim of the software is to encourage users to find a period of ten minutes through the day to stop and meditate.
With 60 million users worldwide, many of them children, now would be a fantastic time to look after yourself with some reflection time. Balance that Chakra!
Sensei Aaron Milan-Vega is currently providing free content on his YouTube channel where he highlights the importance of looking after your mental and physical health during the lockdown period - with a particular emphasis on routine, self-discipline and structure. The channel also features physical exercises related to Karate.
More information, and further resources, can be found through the Newcastle Goju-Ryu Karate Academy website available here.